Plone command line interface - plonecli

PloneConf after conference sprint report on plonecli and bobtemplates.plone.

During the after conference sprints in Barcelona, we (MrTango, tmassman and Gomez) created a command line client for developing Plone packages. The plonecli is mainly a wrapper around mr.bob and bobtemplates.plone, but can also used with other bobtemplates. The plonecli adds to the previous work on refactoring and modulizing the bobtemplates.plone templates, a simple and easy to use command line frontend.


  • allow bobtemplates to be registered for plonecli
  • list available bobtemplates for the current context
  • standalone and subtemplates
  • auto completion of commands and available templates
  • command chaining


Create a Plone Addon packages

To create a Plone Addon with the plonecli, you can just use the create command:

$ plonecli create addon src/collective.todos

If you want to know what templates are available, you can either use the -l/--list-templates option or just press TAB-Key twice.

$ plonecli --list-templates
Available mr.bob templates:
 - buildout
 - addon
  - vocabulary
  - theme
  - content_type
 - theme_package


Create addon with plonecli

Create addon with plonecli

Add a content_type to your Plone Addon

To add a content_type to an existing Plone Addon package, you can just use the add command inside the package:

$ cd src/collective.todos
$ plonecli add content_type

The -l/--list-templates and auto completion works also for subtemplates (the add command).

$ plonecli add
content_type  theme         vocabulary
Add a content_type to your package

Add a content_type to your package

Add a vocabulary to your Plone Addon

To add a Plone vocabulary, you can use the add command with the vocabulary subtemplate:

$ plonecli add vocabulary


Add a vocabulary to your package

Add a vacobulary to your package

Build a Plone Addon

You can use the plonecli also to build the package:

$ plonecli build

This will run:

$ virtualenv .
$ ./bin/pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
$ ./bin/buildout

in your target directory. You can always run the 3 steps explicit by using the commands virtualenv,``requirements``, buildout instead of build. If you want to reset your build use the --clean option on build. This will clear your virtualenv before installing the requirements and also running buildout with -n to get the newest versions.


Build your package with plonecli

Build your package with plonecli

Serve the development Plone site of the package

The plonecli also provides a serve command which will start the Plone instance in foreground and provide a link to open it in the browser:

$ plonecli serve
RUN: ./bin/instance fg

INFO: Open this in a Web Browser: http://localhost:8080
INFO: You can stop it by pressing CTRL + c

2017-10-30 14:21:01 INFO ZServer HTTP server started at Mon Oct 30 14:21:01 2017
    Port: 8080

Combine (chain) commands

You can combine commands like create, build and serve:

$ plonecli build serve

This will first run all the build steps and then serve the Plone site


Serve your package with plonecli

Serve your package with plonecli

By @MrTango in
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